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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  June 20, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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the. neil: forget whether buyers are bolting and going nuts. i did find some good news for you today. at the same time, it's like, facebook and the nsa. two and one. welcome, i know am no cavuto. let's just say the national security agency is saving face before been terribly get the
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information that it always wants for the nsa is moving behind the scenes. there is a shocker. behind the scenes. to ease the shock of his company. pretty much anything else is nailed down. the way the nsa figures, it is a win-win. the companies are releasing that information in the nsa keeps getting that information and guaranteeing cooperation from this. great for them, not so great for the rest of us. where is our legal cover? where is the shield to protect us and make sure that these guys do not trample over us. if we have made them bulletproof, what does that make us? in one word, it could make us shocked.
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kiss your liberties goodbye. because these guys are releasing this. our first guess is what is now. there is a method to the madness? >> the way that it is working is that they would actually have liability protections that work for specific investigations. so if you are in the middle of an investigation that is when you start asking for it. it's not like they are going to go in and clean the whole place and get every last bit of metadata that is out there. what they will try to do is go in and make sure that they can follow things like this. that is where the protections are putting into play. >> hope hope springs eternal that it will only be good.
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i always fear that it gets kind of screwed up. by that, i mean it is now a blank check and carte blanche to do whatever these guys want. >> by the same token, they would have to follow very strict accountability guidelines. not only for the privacy act, but also the other rules that they follow. >> you mentioned the boston incident. it depends on the investigator. but they say that this the surveillance program that was ongoing with horizon. but it did little to catch these guys or even target these guys. so you could make the argument that this is a huge spines ought
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to little avail. >> .is where you have a problem when you look at data. you aae looking at the wrong place. just like with the other investigations. sometimes you get the right pieces. sometimes you get the wrong pieces. in that case, i think that we will find later on that there were quite a few mistakes that were made. pieces like that are the ones that could be helped by the data protections. >> i am worried about the abuses in the process and how this codifies it can also cemented. we have carte blanche to continue doing this. even if we do overreach, companies are protected when we do. even after all of these embarrassments, we have given it a good housekeeping seal of
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approval complete with complete immunity. >> i think that is where it is. the way it should be crafted. the people that are doing that, they should be the ones that were punished. facebook or google or any of those companies, they are giving us this something that that is where they should be having a part of it. >> if they say no to that, then they will try to compel them to other means and other court orders. >> that is scary. >> that is where it really have to be a partnership. when you look at this and the
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things that are out there with cyberlegislation and things like that. they are trying very hard to make sure that we can protect our networks and find the best way to do it. that is what it's really all about.@ neil: a lot of issues here. taking the punch bowl away and inveetors have given up on stocks. the government is looking at giving immunity to companies that buy. i don't about you, but i am a little bit out of line. >> when china was conducting those attacks, the u.s. government said this is inappropriate and wrong. what we are seeing is recommendations from governors and some others saying that we need to arm the companies with ways to protect themselves and give them an opportunity to act independently and also protect themselves. i think this option if you look
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at the facts, it is rather contradictory. looking at how little specifics we have, it is certainly alarming to see how the opinion has had a change. neil: you mentioned the former governor. if all else fails, hatchback. >> according according to the u.s., that is technically against the law in certain parameters. it is a very difficult position. certainly as much as facebook and interest on all of those companies want to cooperate with each other and the u.s. governmeet. neil: here is my theory. do you think that this emboldens the government to keep doing this because now they did it with the companies and they gave them illegal out?
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>> well, companies want to do right by their customers. especially telecommunications an e-mail server companies. they want to protect their customers privacy. unfortunately, government seems to be, time and time again, trying to take this out. >> the immunity would only be required if blanket snooping was tolerated. not only in washington, but in the markets as well the distrust of government also privacy and security. not just an individual level, but some of the nation's biggest companies. a lot of them are saying, cannot can i really trust that my phone company and internet company are actually going to keep my privacy safe. neil: yes, that is like giving the green light to the companies that might be leery for fear that their customers are going to balk.
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>> it is a sense of countermeasures and where does that leave people. those people who actually may have a legitimate claim for a legitimate concern. first they are worried about lawsuits. but sometimes those minority spots could end up being a major case that could actually be very important to the company so looking at everything just seems like it is too vague for the companies to accept. >> i think in the end, that is what is going to be decided. and it does the government to sort of cement whatever behavior that people have that you might they might not like it. but now we have everything in place that will continue. obviously when the patriot act was first passed, a decade ago.
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now we are seeing a lot of those would seem like major intrusions into private life to be cemented and codified. not only in the material world but in the electronic world. this will notion that we are searching for a needle in a haystack. receiving state sponsors instead of actually fighting the enemy of jihad. >> in the meantime, chris matthews says that the vice president was robbed robbed of his powerful image. we will have the story next [ jackie ] its just so frustrating...
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♪ the middle of this special moment ani need to run off to the bathroom. ♪ m feup with always having to pumy bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor
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about overactive bladder symptoms. [ female announcer ] know that gotta go feeling? ask your doctor about prescription toviaz. one tovi pill a day significantly reduces sudden urges and accidents, for 24 hours. f you have certain stomach problems or glaoma, or can not empty your bladd, you should not take toviaz. get emergency dical help right away if your face, lips, thrt or tongue swells. toviaz n cause blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness d decreased sweating. do not drive,perate machinery or do unsafe tasks until you ow how toviaz affects you. the common side effects are dry mouth and constipation. talk t to your doctor about toviaz. neil: looking at these revolutions a fraction of what these rallies were when obama
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was running for president in like vladimir putin and others pull numbers going down. a few months into his second term. my next guest says she hopes so and my other guest says he believes it is looking so. >> guys, thank you so much for joining us. >> what do you make of this? >> a lot of sauerkraut here. >> this is the time when you kind of want to root for the
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president. over 2% of the folks last time. and that is a big jump. >> the prompter was bare. >> there are a lot of scandals. it is upsetting when we are not happy with our president. but when the whole world is unhappy, it is too bad. >> what do you think? >> i think the only part of that that made sense was the part where you said the poll numbers are down. i will give you that. he had nothing to do with how many people were allowed to see that speech. angela merkel is running for reelection. >> she is being very careful because she doesn't want to get too close to him an election.
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my favorite line in that setup was that russian president is ignoring him. sometimes we disagree. >> this is miserable. >> that is what i'm thinking about. >> and living in london for a year, reagan was about as unpopular in london and across all of your europe at that time.
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>> there's a terrible thing when people want to cut our heads off here. >> i think people think about hillary clinton. you know, what has he done that he said he is going to do? where is the hope and change? was one thing that this president has done what he said he was going to do. what is good in america right now? >> have you looked at the stock
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market lately? neil: we are often accurate. obviously you pick and choose your battles. so what i have been thinking is we have this collective sort of cyberthe president. >> one name comes to mind.
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>> there's a difference between being responsible because you are the boss. saying something begin in the white house is a very different thing than saying something began in the white house. >> our country doesn't look like a super property now. it's not just a little problem. >> you know that that's the way it will go. [laughter] neil: anyway the government says that we should all get back to doing business. because everything is just fine. try telling that to the guys who run small businesses. it is just the tip of the iceberg. what you should be worrying even
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hair loss solutionrom hair club. call now! [♪...]
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neil: here's all you really need to know. the white house has a hand. the little guys don't agree. small businesses are hunkering down, 61% fear that the government is targeting them. which means a lot of them are spending a lot more time worrying about uncle sam instead of worrying about their own business. if you are really getting paranoid about the government spying on you or collecting your
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record are eyeing you, you're going to have this. >> this is the most misunderstood portion. it is a month operation through the republican party or the democratic party and people don't know who they are. and they feel like the government not only doesn't help them, but now they think they are targeted and they really are not getting no taxes as many big corporations are. warren buffett says that he was only paying 17%. well, he doesn't have those types of breaks and its misunderstood. i am one of them. i've been an entrepreneur my whole life. that's a small business.
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>> they do have a legitimate fear when it comes to the irs and health care. we had a bunch of small business guys a week or two ago talking about all of the forms and rules that they will have to deal with. and if you don't kill them all out that is what keeps them up at night. >> yes, i have a website. right now all of the experts that work for this say that obamacare will increase this by 15 or 20% and they need to have a strategy to be able to minimize that and bring the employees and to help them make it more efficient.
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so they need that kind of information. >> we do not have small-business doing well today. but they are the backbone of america. there is no question about it. neil: going back to your football days, i mean, when you were there and in that leadership role, what would happen when that would be compromised. i ask only because the leader for these markets has always been ben bernanke. he will quarterback the way and he will be the guy.
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and now this guy seems to be saying, well, i'm kind of out of rescuing him. what do you make of this leadership document. >> we have been dependent upon that person to make decisions to have the market go up and down. that is not what i think. that is an amazing thing. >> than what? >> will affect the market near term that is solving some problems in this country. one of them is this irs problem. we know that they have always been dysfunctional. but we have tax reform. i don't know what this administration is accomplishing.
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>> it is good to be with you. neil: finally some good news. finally we are looking at prosscuting this piece. here is the bad news. they don't really seem to care. a better opportunity a bfor your business,r family, a better legacy to leave the world. we have always believed in t this pursuit, striving tbrininsight to every investment, and integrity to every plan. we are morgantanley. we're ready to work for you.
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neil: uncle sam is cracking down. whether to go after cyberattacks in the u.s. officials are telling those who target computer networks, prosecute hackers and that hackers go away. chiat with china. we have chuck nash but said that is a lot easier said than done. >> a lot of people want to feel a little bit better about it. the reality is, okay, fine, what kind of counter lever to the chinese have on our government should we try to indict some of those officials we have military services that have intelligence organizations and governments
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industrial espionage. so in the old days when he used to break into a government office and pull up the pictures were given in insider to do it for you, we can now dive into the servers. a lot of times they are saying that we have financed so much debt that we can do anything to help. so they feel that we need them a lot more than they need us. neil: what would get back change
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>> they would want something from us that would be a quid pro quo. we, you know, far be it from me to break the news here. but we spied sometimes too. we are into their systems, despite air into our systems. at some point they would have to see the frequency of our efforts. we see the frequency of their efforts. maybe some kind of a deal needs to be made. but again, you are never going to shut down the private hackers in the closet i guys unless the government wants to throw a couple of bones and say, here is some low-level things for your
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we had the big step. but every once in a while, whoever you were dealing with, they have to realize that you are willing to use it. every time you lay out redlines and don't use this, after a wild it is just a crime. neil: captain, you're right. before you fire someone on national tv, make sure that you have their security thought. it can be the equivalent of wrecking the place on the way out.
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neil: is it me, or ever since president obama all that fired ben bernanke on public tv, this nonsense about ben bernanke working longer than he had planned, ben bernanke went bonkers. we have charles payne here with us. he kind of hung the guy out to dry. >> i got the sense watching him that i'm surprised he didn't have ben bernanke getting upset
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about that. he was at the fed meeting with the supporters. he was as testy as i had seen him. neil: one thing that was very clear with was the president made the comment that he stayed on longer than he wanted to. but the fact is that he got a second term as president.
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>> it is so shocking. my understanding is that if you watch the markets on the most important hand in the room is ben bernanke. >> i think the president just let it slip. i think he was just explaining it. he told joe biden mess. he actually said what was on his mind. >> okay, the second issue. why should airlines have all the fun? they are making a killing off of all of these ridiculous fees. >> i think it is a great idea if you are a democrat.
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you have to increase the power. in a couple of months, they will have a hearing, they will bring in the airline executives and say you're not paying your fair share of taxes, just like they did to apple even though they are following the law. >> making billions off it. changing reservations. it is the only way that the airline guys can figure out a way to make money. this is going to be very expensive for the average person.
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neil: issue three. nike is now looking to apple. they would like to use it for some of its devices. how many calories you burn, how far you you're running, how much you are eating. charles, what do you think? >> no, listen. they are out there, they are in seattle, they are connected. there might have been some kind of graphic. >> like maybe they will need a spokesperson for that kind of stuff. >> you are right. you're absolutely right about that. when i look at this, i just see the first in a long time that see something about apple.
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so maybe that is the flipside of a good thing. >> writes. you know, you have this and people will see it. and they will say, goodness, have to get that so i can record all my data and use it on this application. neil: sometimes they want to monitor everything. is that right? >> yes. but it will drive business. they are the largest sportswear manufacturer. when the application downloads into it. then you have to have this as well. >> and dunkin' donuts with this
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gluten-free craze. muffins without gluten, copy without gluten. obviously, this is a concern. >> you know, i just had a bunch of gluten-free chocolate chip cookies. they were really good cookies. neil: fewer calories than the actual stuff?3 >> i don't look at it that part where that much. [laughter] >> i told my body, we are going to work out tonight. in my body said, okay, my man. we had a little argument about it, but i ate about four or five of them. [laughter] neil: neil: a lot of people think it could be like the atkins craze. what do you think? >> about 30% of people could have sensitivity to gluten.
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a many are totally allergic to it. so it's good to keep your customer base as large as possible. you know, the key here, and i think what your colleagues have said, if you can cut out flour, wheat, bread, pasta, obviously, you will drop the weight very easily. neil: okay, well, very good points. you guys, thank you so much. -ots of selling on wall street. it looks like folks in berlin are no longer buying into the president. see the tea party crowds gathering in washington at the same time.apital one we are on that next y reunion.
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neil: you know, you really can't blame them. no wonder the tea party people get teed off. the mainstream media is all but ignoring them. many say they have had enough. clearly there are very interested crowds in this country. that doesn't match a couple of other american presidents at pretty much the same level.
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the tea party can be very surprising. >> it is kind of weird. why would they cover up? everything that has been unfolding for the last few weeks on these issues.have been right the most amazing thing about this is that we have people who are maybe on the fence with the tea party before. now they are ready to jump in. that is really good news moving into the 2014 election cycle. neil: we were talking about the tea party potentially overplaying its hand on this. how do you balance what we have said about this. being calm about it, being frightened about it.
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>> obamacare is going to kick in in 2014. additional taxes are going to kick in. a million more jobs are going to be lost. honestly, i am not sure how much more the american people can take. >> the big issues are coming to pass, they are going to say a lot about this. you worry about the issues that are targeting you guys? nothing has come about it yet. because not a single conservative group that has been targeted were queried about it. >> you make a fantastic point. and this was a key issue at the rally yesterday. it wasn't just an irs rally, it was a "fast and furious" rally. nothing has been done about any of these issues. so it really bodes well for tea party moving and 2014.
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neil: it's not like your public conscience isn't there. but the mainstream media is back to kind of annoying you. so it's hard to get the message out. >> we have resorted to digital media, online, twitter, facebook. >> as far as tea party's go, it is changing. >> it is definitely changing. the tea party is 100%, civil liberties and the rule of law. there are some to the right and some to the left.
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at the end of the day, this affects all americans and we are starting to see it play out. neil: catrina pearson. tea party activist extraordinaire. thank you for being here. the tv you are watching me on, i don't have to tell you this, but it's watching you back. which means i am watching you watching me when visa signature asd everybody what upgraded experiences really matred... you sugsted luxury car service instd of "strength traing with patrick willis." come on todd! flap them chien wings.
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[ grunts ] well, i tvel a lot and umm... [ male announcer ] at visa signature, every upgradedxperience comes from listening to our cardholders. visa siature. your idea of what a card should be. visa siature. always go thextra mile. to treat my low testosrone, i dimy reseah. my doctor and i we with axiron, the only underar low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not fouse in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who e or who may become pregnant and children shod avd contact where axon is applied as uneected signof puberty in childre or changesn body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and meditions. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm coun ankle, feet or body swelling;
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enlarg or painful breasts; problems brehing and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increa in psa. ask your doctoabout e only underarm low t treatmt, axiron.
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neil: i am watching you. which means that you better listen up. because this is over-the-top. it is not just the government keeping tabs on you. the cable companies that want to screen what you watch. and they are keeping tabs on it. all right, my liberal friend, rick ungar, says he really doesn't ccre because he has already been watching this at home the one okay, so i am not surprised that the next level is that. >> well, you know, there was something out of 1984. but none of these laws have been followed anyway. because look what is happening. this really is much worse than
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the other. they are monitoring our sleeping and eating and dressing. it is gross. it is just over the top. it really is. >> i'm a big fan of keeping up with the kardashian. >> oh, no. >> you know, this is really nothing new. every time you receive an e-mail from a company like this, they are downloading downloading a cookie and tracking everything you do on the internet. some people don't know how to turn that off. you're getting advertisements on other websites telling you about restaurants and dining in a city that you're going to. the better content of information for us to watch. neil: what do you make of all of this? >> i wish i could give you guys were a fight, but this is
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insane. >> we don't want to know. >> going back to the original point, there is so much content on tv and the internet. if you are being tracked, maybe they are watching it. >> cameras on your computer,.
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>> these guys just don't seem to care. [laughter] >> they are complaining and complaining. >> it is very interesting. >> the legislation that is beiig proposed. >> it will lead always give you the choice of saying no, you can't. >> it's a big deal. >> you find it interesting that since a lot of these scandals came to liggt about privacy invasions and the rest, there have been a lot of other reasons for the markets do their thing.
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>> we have this president getting out of town. >> i agree. it is incredibly disturbing. >> it is getting very close to a good time to buy. neil: they can do whatever they want with whomever they want. >> yes, they do. you know, you can't say that this happens all the time.
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i do buy the balancing act. there are security issues, but they can go too far. you can make the argument. >> way too far. >> talking about two different things. >> that is a big deal. >> this would be some relative of yours, no doubt. >> yes. >> it is like inviting a stranger to your home. >> it would be fun. neil: i kind of want to stop this. but i'm going to cut my own my care. that will do it. they keep in mind, these continue. we will keep it going.
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we are on it all the time because we are looking after you.


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